TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Blackboards vs. Whiteboards

Blackboards vs. Whiteboards
30 Mar 2005 10:25:59 -0800

I heard my school district will modernize and replace the classic
"blackboard" (or greenboard) with modern 'whiteboards'. I can't help
but wonder if this is a dumb idea.

AFAIK, blackboards last forever. Lots of old schools still have their
original ones. In contrast, whiteboards seem sensitve to nicks and

I believe black/greenboards cost less than whiteboards.

But most significantly is the chalk vs. marker.

Chalk is much cheaper than markers. Markers always run out quickly.
Someone forgets and uses the wrong kind permanently staining the

Lastly, markers have that weird chemical smell.

Seems to me there's nothing wrong with blackboards and nothing to be
gained by whiteboards.

Thoughts anyone?

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