TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Why I Am Not Switching to Verizon

Why I Am Not Switching to Verizon

zalek (
3 May 2007 04:38:52 -0700

I am pissed off with my current ISP -- Time Warner Road Runner -- they
cut back on technicians and now I have to wait one week for
appointment. I checked with Verizon DSL -- they they established new
policy that email address must be alphanumeric. I can understand that
in every company can sit very powerfull idiot that cannot comprehend
that email address is very personal and people/companies want very
specific name -- but it is a disgrace that in Verizon there is no even
one smart person that could explain to this powerful idiot the meaning
of email address. Anyway -- what other options with decent ISP we
have in NYC? Any recommendations?



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