TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Beware of the Dot

Beware of the Dot

Monty Solomon (
Sun, 28 Jan 2007 01:03:31 -0500

By Bruce Mohl, Globe Staff | January 28, 2007

Consumers with relatively new cell phones -- in one case a phone right
out of the box -- say sensors inside the devices appear to be
incorrectly registering water damage, voiding the warranties.

The consumers all insist they haven't dropped their phones in water or
left them out in the rain, yet the tiny liquid-damage indicators
inside their phones have changed color, indicating damage.

Wireless companies and phone makers say water damage is a common
problem with cellphones and faulty readings from the indicators are
unlikely. The company representatives said the indicators provide a
reliable and quick way to find out if a phone's inner workings have
been exposed to water, which can disable the phone's battery, its
displays, and its circuitry.

Independent phone retailers and repair people say a phone doesn't have
to be dropped in a toilet or a sink to sustain water damage. They say
liquid-damage indicators may also change color if exposed to sweat,
steam , extreme humidity, or condensation resulting from an abrupt
change in temperature.

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