TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Re: Device That Interfaces Between Phone/CallerID and Serial Port?

Re: Device That Interfaces Between Phone/CallerID and Serial Port?

Fri, 14 Oct 2005 17:30:37 -0700

> $200 and it runs on your Mac.

| PhoneValet for Mac OS X

My Mac doesn't have OS X, so that product probably wouldn't work here.
Also, I see no mention of touch-tone (DTMF) menus, a.k.a. DTMF-IVR
(Integrated/Interactive Voice Response), in the description, so even
if this device did work with Mac OS 7.x.x, it wouldn't be of any use
to me for distinguishing between a friendly acquaintance needing to
make a no-caller-ID call and a harasser suppressing caller-ID to
harass me even more than usual.

Also, since my Mac doesn't have enough RAM or disk space to install
any large software, I really need a standalone box that doesn't
require major software installed on my Mac. So searching specifically
for a device related to my Mac seems not a good idea. Google search
for "DTMF IVR standalone box" doesn't seem to turn up what I'm looking
for, only very much more complicated stuff that would have to cost ten
times what I'm looking for, including stuff that requires access to
the net including java .NET services.

One silly advertising gaffe:
| full 24 x 7 x 365 support.

Wow! 365 weeks in one year, what a long year!!! What planet are they
on? Anyway, I can't find anything like I'm seeking. Somebody posted
several years ago that Radio Shack had something like this, but I
haven't been able to find that article and I don't think I'd be able
to communicate with minimum-wage staff at Radio Shack what I'm looking
for without first finding a complete product-name for it online. .

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