Phone Outage Costs Fort Wayne Store to Lose Business |
![]() Fri, 27 May 2005 00:00:13 -0500
Phone outage costs Toenges
A Fort Wayne orthopedic shoestore lost telephone service for 2 1/2
Fred Toenges Shoes & Pedorthics, 2415 Hobson Road, at the corner of
The problem started after the business asked Vonage to disconnect one
The store's main number is a Verizon telephone line. Verizon
Spokesmen for Vonage and Choice One Communications, which owns
Vonage is temporarily providing the store service on its main
Federal regulations protecting consumers who switch telephone
As a result of the confusion, the store sold 50 fewer pairs of shoes
Copyright 2005 Fort Fayne Journal Gazette and wire service sources.
NOTE: For more telecom/internet/networking/computer news from the
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