TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Grounding a Vonage System

Grounding a Vonage System

Alex Batson (
Sun, 27 Mar 2005 15:50:24 -0500


I've just subscribed to Vonage and just hooked everything up. When I
press a key to clear the dial-tone, the empty line has a bit of snowy,
white-noise in the background. This isn't anything that sounds like
electrical interference, and there's no 'hum' in the line actually.
It's not 99% silent like my Verizon land-line is, but then again, that
demarc is grounded, and my Vonage isn't.

Question: 1.)How can I tell which lead is Tip, and which is Ring, and
which one, if either, can I connect to a good earth-ground?

If I'm still off in left field, can someone give me a pointer or two,
on how to lessen the snowy white-noise on a empty line?


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