TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Re: Review: Microsoft Anti-Spyware Ineffective

Re: Review: Microsoft Anti-Spyware Ineffective
24 Jan 2005 21:19:03 GMT

In article <>, Justin Time
<> wrote:

> Has anyone really paid attention to the wording of the update notices
> lately on the Windows Update site?

> I went there last night from my home computer and looked to download
> the latest security updates. I ended up not downloading any of them
> as I couldn't tell what they were for. When the site just tells you
> that you need to download this security fix to keep your computer
> running properly and then doesn't even tell you what program or
> programs the fix is for, well, it's absolutely stupid. Oh, the site
> refers you to a KBxxxxxx but doesn't tell you what a KB is.

Microsoft segregates the updates into Critical and Non-Critical. The
security updates are considered Critical. If you're knowledgeable
enough to understand which critical updates to NOT apply, then you
should also know that "KB" stands for "Knowledge Base", and KBxxxxxx
refers to a specific Knowledge Base article which describes the
problem, the fix, installation and removal instructions, caveats,
etc. The update description usually includes a link to the specific
article. If you aren't aware of that, a quick Google search for the
string will show you. If you haven't figured out how to use Google
then you certainly shouldn't be trying to second-guess Microsoft.

Maintaining a properly updated Microsoft system is not just a problem
for you, it's a problem for all of us. 90% of spam today is relayed
through compromised Windows computers, many of which got that way
because they aren't being patched when appropriate.

Stop complaining, already, and apply the damn updates.

John Meissen

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