TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Re: Lingo Voip SUCKS!

Re: Lingo Voip SUCKS!

Lisa Hancock (
4 Dec 2004 11:04:31 -0800

Tony P. <> wrote

> I'm 25 days out from my switch to Vonage and my number still hasn't
> been ported.

> I've been talking to the PUC, Verizon, Vonage etc. What I've gotten
> from this is a clear picture of the anti-competitive nature of Verizon
> and the structure of Vonage's network.

FWIW, a friend of mine switched from Verizon to a competitive carrier
several times (back and forth while he made up his mind) and never had
any trouble.

> It seems that Verizon only has to do rapid LNP with other FCC regulated
> carriers. If you're not FCC regulated they can take as long as they want
> and delay for whatever reason they wish because they're free of
> regulatory burden.

If Verizon is not under any legal obligation to make the switch in a
timely manner, then it is not their fault and you have no basis to sue

Suppose the VOIP carrier fails to meet technical standards. Will a
subscriber blame Verizon instead of the VOIP carrier? That makes for
extra unnecessary and unprofitable work for Verizon which other
subscribers have to make up the cost.

I'm sorry I'm not sympathetic, but it's a double standard. The FCC
declared the VOIP carriers to be free of regulation. That means
they're on their own while other carriers have to put up with the
expense of regulation. Maybe you could avoid Verizon altogether and
use broadband cable instead, as some people are doing.

Indeed, it was not that hard for our cable company to lay a
replacement broadband fiber optic cable through our area; and now --
in competition to Verizon DSL -- they offer high speed Internet. As
such, perhaps another carrier could do likewise and eliminate that
"final mile" contention.

[Just to set the record, I am not connected with Verizon other than
being a subscriber. Indeed, I was unhappy with other LD carriers and
switched to Verizon for all services.]

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