TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Re: Innocent Teacher Convicted in Computer Porn Case

Re: Innocent Teacher Convicted in Computer Porn Case
1 Mar 2007 13:30:48 -0800

On Feb 16, 1:32 am, M <> wrote:

> There are tons of news articles on this subject and I have yet to find
> one critical of Amero. She now has a blog
> at

With the growth of the Internet, complexity, and Internet fraud
viruses, spyware, etc., there is a huge risk today that innocent
people will be found guilty of computer crimes, such as involving
illegal pornography. This could result from malicious attempts,
innocent errors, etc.

Almost everyone reading this newsgroup is pretty technically astute
and likely has appropriate protections/guards built into their
computers, plus know enough not to do fooish things (like respond to
phising, go to suspicious cites, etc.)

The problem is that techies are a small group of people. There is
everyone else out there who have no idea of the complexity of the
Internet or the many threats out there. They don't keep their
spyware, firewalls, virus protection up to date, and may innocently
venture onto dangerous cites. And even technies make mistakes;
sometimes forgetting the basics and leave themselves vulnerable.

[TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: Makes for ideal circumstances for
police officers, doesn't it? PAT]

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