TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Re: I Want to Pay For Basic Service and Extras Separately as Needed

Re: I Want to Pay For Basic Service and Extras Separately as Needed
29 May 2007 11:38:10 -0700

On May 28, 5:35 pm, lbrtchx <> wrote:

> I would like to pay for a basic service ideally as part of a family plan
> and if my son needs long distance, internet, or any other service, he would
> have to pay for it himself upfront.

That seems contradictory. "Basic service" is something that would be
offered on a "a la carte" basis, while a "family plan" is a bundled
service that offers a discount. Generally speaking, when something is
bundled, you cannot break it down into pieces.

I would guess that if you want your son to pay for his services, he
would have to get his own independent account.

When I was young I had the choice of going onto my parent's account,
or, getting my own account which would require an advance deposit
since I had no credit history. I chose my own account, despite the
deposit requirement, since I didn't want my parents to see my phone
bill. They felt my toll charges were too high, but I felt it was my
money and my college friends and dates. In this way I wrote out my
own check completely independently from them. I recommend that

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