TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Ericsson and Sun to Develop Open Source-Based Server

Ericsson and Sun to Develop Open Source-Based Server

Reuters News Wire (
Tue, 08 May 2007 17:50:12 -0500

Telecom equipment maker Ericsson said on Tuesday it would join forces
with U.S. computer maker Sun Microsystems to develop an open source
Java technology-based multimedia application server.

The Swedish telecoms networking company said in a statement the
collaboration deal also included plans to develop a support program
for the developer community.

"With this collaboration, Ericsson will contribute parts of its server
development to the open source project GlassFish," Ericsson said.

"The supporting program includes a variety of tools and expertise to
support developer communities, as well as a possibility for developers
to test their applications on a live IMS-based network."

Copyright 2007 Reuters Limited

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