James Kim Found Dead in Oregon Mountains |
![]() Wed, 06 Dec 2006 21:04:31 -0600
By JEFF BARNARD, Associated Press Writer
A San Francisco man was found dead in a mountain creek Wednesday, four
A search helicopter spotted James Kim's body about a mile from where
Kim's body was found at the foot of the Big Windy Creek drainage, a
A tearful Undersheriff Brian Anderson announced the discovery of the
"He was very motivated," Anderson said. "We were having trouble in
He said he had few details about Kim's condition or the immediate area
The body was taken to Central Point for an autopsy, the results of
Earlier in the day, searchers said they had uncovered clues that
Kim, 35, was a senior editor for the technology media company CNET
Kim's wife, Kati, 30, and their daughters Penelope, 4, and Sabine, 7
The key to finding them, police said, was a "ping" from one of the
Roads in the area are often not plowed in the winter and can become
On the Net: http://jamesandkati.com
Copyright 2006 The Associated Press.
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