TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Re: Why is Congress Considering Such Anti-Consumer Telecom Bills?

Re: Why is Congress Considering Such Anti-Consumer Telecom Bills?

Scott Dorsey (
30 Jul 2006 20:32:58 -0400

<> wrote:

> Does this mean that if I were to go to Asia, everyone
> everywhere -- wealthy and poor, urban and rural, democracy and
> dictatorship -- all have a nice 100MBPS hookup at their disposal?

No, but if you go to a big city, like Seoul, Singapore, or Hong Kong,
you'll find something close. The high population density makes it

The reason there is such a severe Korean spam problem, for instance,
is because South Korea went from having no internet infrastructure to
having almost universal DSL in every home, rich or poor, in the course
of about three years. This is not enough time for people to
understand the network, and what happened was they grew a network with
very different rules than the rest of the world expects. Spam there
is considered routine, and people expect to change e-mail addresses
monthly. They don't even put them on business cards because they
don't expect company addresses to stay the same for long.

> Somehow I don't think that's the case. Now I don't know the utility
> situation in Asia (which is a pretty huge land area), but I suspect a
> heck of a lot of people don't even have electricity nor telephones,
> let alone this high speed connection.

Well, that's part of the problem. A lot of places are being broken up
into haves and have-nots and very little in-between. China is perhaps
the most dramatic example of this although you can see similar things
in Thailand and even Korea. There are cities with very high
population density and extremely powerful communications, and rural
areas with very low population density and marginal to nonexistent
communications. And little in the middle.

I could make an analogy with MCI "cream-skimming" but I'm not going


"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."

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