Google Porn Site Battle Puts Internet Freedoms in Balance |
![]() Thu, 27 Jul 2006 12:48:03 -0500
by Glenn Chapman
Key Internet freedoms are under threat in a legal battle between
At issue in the landmark case being appealed to the San Francisco
"The stakes are high and everybody is out expressing an opinion," EFF
A Perfect 10 court victory would stifle the sharing of website links
"It will be the most important copyright decision for search engines in
The photos which Google provided links to were evidently copies made by
The links turned up in the results of Google searches for images of
In the case originally filed in the US district court in Los Angeles,
Perfect 10 argued that Google was giving away for free copyrighted
The district court ruled in February that Google did nothing wrong by
Both sides appealed the decision to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
"We are confident that Google Image Search is legal under principles
Leading technology industry groups, EFF and the Library Copyright
In recent filings, the two groups contended that Perfect 10 was aiming
Major motion picture, music recording, and photography industry
"Links are really the stuff that has made the worldwide web a
The deadline for filing briefs with the court of appeals was several
Von Lohmann didn't expect a judgment until early next year.
Copyright 2006 Agence France Presse.
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