In article <>, ptownson@telecom- says:
> The other day here we were discussing the general incompetence of so
> many folks working in customer service/tech support functions for the
> cable companies.
> Someone wrote to say with cable modem (which I happen to have very
> good experience with) was not always a wonderful way to go. This
> reminded me of the experience of a lady named Judy Sammel, who wrote
> an essay which appeared in various sources during 1999-2000 about
> what happened to her, as a user of Comcast. We put it in the archives
> here, but have not used it since. You can read it as a feature story
> in the archives now (since the archives was remodeled a couple weeks
> ago) but here today is a text based version of her fascinating story;
> how she was falsely accused of 'fraud and theft of cable service'. If
> you are considering Comcast for your cable modem/high speed internet
> service, you will want to read this account.
> ==============================
> Chapter 1: In Which I Learn About the Various Divisions of the District
> Court of the State of Maryland.
> charges will be dropped. I mention that the video trap wasn't
> installed the previous day.
This was back when @home was actually excite@home. They had agreements
with all the cable companies including Comcast, Cox etc. to allow pure
data hookups.
The fact that most pedestals for cable service are locked means that
somewhere in Comcasts maintenance records they have a record
indicating that the service was to be hooked up and a filter
She should have proceeded with the civil case and opened the
underbelly of incompetence at our cable companies.
[TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: Well she should have, and I would have.
But if you read the entire story on her web site or on our web site you'll note she says she is 'not inclined
to sue people or companies'. I would have made an example of Comcast
for sure, if they had been that arrogant and stupid (and don't those
two characteristics often times go hand in hand?) with me. But, Ms.
Sammel had to do what she felt was best, although as you read her
testimony about Comcast you could see where there were times she was
really about to do a number on them. The whole story was much larger
and longer, and greatly truncated (like a Reader's Digest Condensed
Book) to fit the limitations of this text based digest. PAT]