TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Re: Is the iPhone an AT&T Time Bomb Against Cell Users?

Re: Is the iPhone an AT&T Time Bomb Against Cell Users?

Steven Lichter (
Sat, 30 Jun 2007 15:17:06 -0700

Sam Spade wrote:

>> If consumers instead say "yes" and buy the iPhone with the two-year
>> contract, then it will only be a matter of time before all handset
>> subsidies disappear and all cell phone users have to pay both the
>> full cost of their handsets and still be locked into multiple-year
>> contacts. Those who purchase iPhones under the current arrangement
>> may very well be sealing that fate for all cell phone users.

>> Read more ...

> Somehow, I don't think that will work. If future cellular units are
> sold at full price, there will be all kinds of retailers jumping in to
> cut the price. The word will get around to tell the greedy wireless
> companies, "Sign me up month to month and sell me the Motorola Jacko
> 899 for $249.99 or I will take my business elsewhere."

> Paying market price for the unit will also cause consumers to hold
> onto them longer, thus upsetting the entire manufacturer/wireless
> enterprise sweetheart deal.

> Also, those whose contracts have already expired (I am one of those)
> are in a much, much stronger position to never sign a contract again
> if the units are sold at market price.

Not having a contract could also backfire, I have Sprint and have had
them for some years; no problems at all. I bought a handset on eBay
for a lot less then even the price with a 2 year contract, and turned
it up no problem; my contract expired and I just continued as I had
been with the price and services I had, then I was notified that
unless I went back to a contract I could wind up paying more for
service, less minutes and having to pay full price data. I looked
around, and went back to the contact with them, at less then I was
paying and for the same features, since I was happy I had no problem,
also I was able to get a rebate on the phone I had bought on eBay that
amounted to twice what I had paid.

The Only Good Spammer is a Dead one!! Have you hunted one down today?
(c) 2007 I Kill Spammers, Inc. A Rot In Hell Co.

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