TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: "Vibranxiety" Afflicts Many Cellphone Users

"Vibranxiety" Afflicts Many Cellphone Users

John Mayson (
Wed, 20 Jun 2007 13:40:56 -0500

"Ever think your cell phone was vibrating and reach into your pocket
to answer it only to find it wasn't vibrating at all? You're not alone
according to a report in USA Today. The story examines the phenomenon
of phantom cell phone vibration and posits explanations ranging from
behavioral (your phone has trained you to be on alert for vibrations)
to neurological (your brain becomes wired to sensations you experience
regularly). Whatever the answer may be, it's better than "You're

[JCM - I used to work around high voltage. I had both hands inside a
high-power power-supply when my pager went off. It was set to
vibrate. I literally threw my tools across the lab thinking I had
been shocked. The rest of my days in that lab, I had my pager set to

John Mayson <>
Austin, Texas, USA

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