TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Re: Troubles With Computers' Daylight Shift

Re: Troubles With Computers' Daylight Shift

Duh_OZ (
15 Mar 2007 13:20:09 -0700

On Mar 13, 12:09 am, Brian Bergstein, AP Technology <a...@telecom-> wrote:

> Few woes mark computers' daylight shift
> By BRIAN BERGSTEIN, AP Technology Writer
> Mon Mar 12, 4:27 PM ET
> This weekend's early switch to daylight-saving time was billed as a
> little re-enactment of the Y2K computer problem at the turn of the
> millennium. And as it happened, the daylight bug appeared to have
> equally minor results.

<stuff snipped>

Where I work the "big brother" machines (XP) didn't switch to DST so I
figured I would wait a few days to see if they would do anything to
resolve the issue. Gave up today and gave them a buzz and was told
to leave the machines on overnight for the patch to be applied. Then
I was told "hold on a sec" and then it would be done within 30
minutes, then I was yet again told "to hold on a sec" and was informed
that a tech had to come down and do it manually. Only 3 computers in
my area, wonder what they are doing with the other 4,000 or so
scattered across Chicago LOL.

And before you ask -- no, we aren't allowed to change the computers
time -- us lowly users weren't assigned the rights to do so.

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