TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Re: Troubles With Computers' Daylight Shift

Re: Troubles With Computers' Daylight Shift
13 Mar 2007 11:07:25 -0700

On Mar 13, 2:09 am, Brian Bergstein, AP Technology <a...@telecom-> wrote:

> People with Windows 2000 machines or older ones need to make their
> fixes manually.

Actually, you make the change in time yourself, like people have been
doing all along. Further, there's a block to check off for auto time
change and you de-check it. Takes all of maybe 10 seconds to do.

> In a few instances, a company's network was an hour late in
> releasing calls to customer-support staff at the opening of
> business, leaving the "agents sitting around twiddling their
> thumbs," Simmons said.

That something like that is automated is frightening to me. Call
centers should manually turn themselves on and off when the people are
actually there.

Stuff always happens that changes work hours. There may be a
snowstorm or special holiday that keeps people home unexpectedly. Or,
a speical event may have people working extra.

One very frustrating thing is reaching a call center with the wrong
option set. You cannot leave a message in that case and get stuck in
a loop.

> Those and other problems may have been caused by companies' failure to
> administer patches properly or to do it at all.

Sorry, the problem is not failing to administer "patches", but failing
to "administer". That is failing to do basic managerment and being
too dependent on the computer for trivial activities because managers
and their staff have become too incompetent.

A computer can add 1+1 for you, but it cannot tell what to add.

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