TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Re: DA Wants to Restrict Pre-Paid Cell Phones

Re: DA Wants to Restrict Pre-Paid Cell Phones

Rick Merrill (
Fri, 26 Jan 2007 20:44:17 -0500

George Mitchell wrote:

> Rick Merrill wrote:

>> Untraceable phones should be outlawed. These are what the bombers
>> use for placing calls and for detonation.

> Good thinking! Let's ban pencils, too -- they can be used to write
> libelous statements. And what about computers? They can be used to
> send spam. Better get rid of aspirin, too; it's a poison in large
> quantities.

> George Mitchell

Don't forget to outlaw hydrogen dioxide -- too much can kill ya and
your little doggie too!

Dave Garland wrote:

> It was a dark and stormy night when Rick Merrill
> <> wrote:

>> Untraceable phones should be outlawed. These are what the bombers
>> use for placing calls and for detonation.

> In the US, it's an open secret that the NSA has tapped phones in
> felony violation of the FISA law, but no prosecutor has the cajones to
> charge those NSA employees. Why would anyone believe the secret
> police would hesitate to access the records for any reason they chose?

> Dave

Check your spellchecker:

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