TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Re: The Best Phone Company in America

Re: The Best Phone Company in America

Steven Lichter (
Sat, 06 Jan 2007 04:08:51 GMT

Steven J. Sobol wrote:

> In article <>, Jim Haynes wrote:

>> Sighted in another venue is a link to an article in Telephony:


>> jhhaynes at earthlink dot net

> Wow. Nice.

> Cox takes top honors in a bunch of JD Powers categories.

> What strikes me is the facility-powered phone lines. Apparently,
> everyone else is too cheap to do that. In my area, Charter
> Communications, the local cable franchisee, does phones too -- our
> current phone service is from Charter - and out in Apple Valley,
> Verizon is offering FiOS. Both services require the end-user to
> provide battery backup. In my case, the unit Charter says to use is
> about $100. (I'm sure we'll eventually get one - but we don't have the
> extra money right now.)

> Quotes:

> Cox also decided to make its phone service network-powered from the
> outset, despite the fact that it was more costly and time-consuming
> than using local power and battery backup.

> "We included generator backup in many parts of the country," Bowick
> said. "We built hardened facilities -- our master telecom centers were
> built very early on with NEBS compliance just as you would expect a CO
> to be. Everything was done top-notch before we entered the business.
> Early on, it wasn't without some difficulty. This was a new business
> we had to learn. But redundancy was key; network powering was key.."

> and:

> Cox also chose to build its own national fiber backbone network so it
> could offer local and long-distance voice services without having to
> lease capacity from other service providers. That national backbone
> connects its local markets and provides both long-distance voice and
> high-speed Internet transport.

> Mark Kaish, Cox's vice president of voice development and support, is
> a telecom veteran, having worked at both Sprint and BellSouth before
> he joined Cox in 2005. What he found when he arrived at Cox was a
> level of enthusiasm for voice services that reminded him of earlier
> days when telcos were launching data services.

> Steve Sobol, Professional Geek ** Java/VB/VC/PHP/Perl ** Linux/*BSD/Windows
> Victorville, California PGP:0xE3AE35ED

> It's all fun and games until someone starts a bonfire in the living room.

> [TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: The one thing telcos have going for
> them -- reliability in a power outage -- is something that cable and
> internet phones are beginning to learn are very important. PAT]

Cox and Time-Warner got into telephones years before the others, so it
would not surprise me that they would build backup systems. I had a
friend of mine that went to work for Time-Warner in south Riverside
county; he was telephone company trained.

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