Message-ID: <20201224194811.288CF7BB@telecom2018.csail.mit.edu>
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2020 19:48:11 +0000 (UTC)
From: Moderator <telecomdigestsubmissions@remove-this.telecom-digest.org>
Subject: PPE Advertisements Lead To TCPA Fax Lawsuit
By Neil Asnen
A class action lawsuit has been filed against a medical equipment
seller for alleged violations of the junk fax provisions of the
Telephone Consumer Protection Act ("TCPA"). The TCPA fax lawsuit,
filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of
Illinois, arises from the alleged receipt of unsolicited fax
advertisements for the sale of personal protective equipment (PPE),
including facemasks.
Message-ID: <20201224060124.63FB77A1@telecom2018.csail.mit.edu>
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2020 06:01:24 +0000 (UTC)
From: Moderator <telecomdigestsubmissions@remove-this.telecom-digest.org>
Subject: AT&T Is Sad Because Nobody Wants To Overpay For DirecTV
from the synergies,-yo dept
By Karl Bode
U.S. Telecom providers, as companies that have spent the better part
of the last century as government-pampered monopolies, are adorable
when they try to innovate or seriously compete in more normal,
competitive markets. Verizon's attempt to pivot from curmudgeonly old
phone company to sexy new ad media darling, for example, has been a
cavalcade of clumsy errors, missteps, and wasted money.
Message-ID: <20201224022541.B5EA67A1@telecom2018.csail.mit.edu>
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2020 02:25:41 +0000 (UTC)
From: Moderator <telecomdigestsubmissions@remove-this.telecom-digest.org>
Subject: Untouchable No More: Reinforcements Arrive For TCPA
Defendants Battling The FCC's Aggressive Expansion Of The Statute
by Alex McFall and Benjamin William Perry
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) was signed into law
almost 30 years ago when around 3% of the population owned cellular
telephones and no one had heard of - let alone sent - a text message.
Since that time, the legislature has substantively amended the TCPA
only once to create a government debt exception. Despite the TCPA's
antiquated language and minimal amendments, it is the basis for
thousands of lawsuits each year, with one study reporting that TCPA
actions have increased by 740% in the last decade alone. The aggres-
sive evolution of the TCPA to cover everything from automated text
messaging systems to reassigned cellular telephone numbers to auto-
matic opt-out provisions is largely attributable to the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC), and, up until last week, TCPA
defendants have been practically defenseless against the FCC's far
reach. But with the release of the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals
decision in Carlton & Harris Chiropractic Inc. v. PDR Network,
LLC, it's open season on the FCC's TCPA regulations.
End of telecom Digest Sun, 27 Dec 2020