Message-ID: <skckq7$gqk$>
Date: 15 Oct 2021 19:29:11 -0000
From: "John Levine" <>
Subject: Re: 988, 211, and Ten-Digit Phone Dialing Takes Effect Oct. 24th
According to Bill Horne <>:
>> [ new 988 code invented instead of using 211 ]
>AFAICT, there's something going on behind the scenes. I'd guess the
>"New" FCC is a bit gun-shy after the antics we saw during a previous
>administration. The "211" code, although a more logical choice, might
>require extensive retraining of the civil servants already employed to
>do "211" work ... and ghod help any politician who has to explain a
>suicide after a "211" operator turned out to be out of his/her depth
>and out of luck finding a competent crisis counselor.
I doubt that's it. Calls to 988 will go to an existing service that
has an 800 number. For 211, it's one more service they redirect calls
to, sort of like how 911 sends you to fire, police, or ambulance. I
expect 211 services already have that number on speed dial, per this
description of what 211 does:
I think it's more that they wanted their own number so they could
claim they're one of the big boys.
John Levine,, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for
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