TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Re: eHarmony Sued For Discriminatory Actions

Re: eHarmony Sued For Discriminatory Actions

Mark Atwood (
Mon, 04 Jun 2007 16:36:42 GMT

Fred Atkinson <> writes:

>> [TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: Gay, or LGBT persons may wish to get
>> in touch with attorney Todd Schneider in San Francisco in inquire
>> about being added to the pending lawsuit. PAT]

> I don't understand why the LGBT community would want someone who
> is not well qualified to evaluate the dynamics of their relationships
> to be providing such a service to them. It would probably turn into a
> disaster (because of shortcomings in such unqualified evaluations) and
> result in a lot more lawsuits from people being 'mismatched' because
> of those shortcomings. Those lawsuits would probably be far more
> justified.

I *am* a member of (and lord help me, even a leader of sorts) in the
"LGBT Community", and I have to agree with Fred. Relationships are
the most personal of things, and forcing someone to take part in them,
when they expressly don't want to, is worse than counter productive.

Who brought this lawsuit, and what where they smoking when they did

Mark Atwood When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.

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