I hope this isn't too inappropriate a question for the digest.
I finally fired Ma Bell. I had once-upon-a-time worked for AT&T and
remainded a loyal telephone customer. However I just got tired of
waiting for DSL on my street so I could take advantage of their
phone/DSL/satellite package deal. I already had Road Runner
high-speed Internet from Time Warner so I signed up for digital cable
and phone.
The Time Warner website is rather sketchy and I'm having trouble
finding an answer to this, so I'm asking here. I understand I can
continue using my existing telephones and jacks with digital phone.
But can I use my computer to make/receive calls on my digital phone
number? I have both Windows XP and Apple Mac OS X at my disposal.
Note, I'm not talking about using Skype. I would like to be able to
place and receive calls on my home number from my computer regardless
of where my computer may be. Is this possible?
John Mayson <john@mayson.us>
Austin, Texas, USA