TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Re: Telephone Dialing in Old Movies, Police Radio

Re: Telephone Dialing in Old Movies, Police Radio
16 May 2007 08:25:28 -0700

On May 15, 8:35 am, wrote:

> Also of course cops on foot had no radios and radios in patrol cars
> were rare. The film "The Naked City" (1948) shows a detective going
> into a dangerous situation by himself since HQ had no way to reach
> him. The suspect escaped, and it was slow spreading the alarm to the
> beat cops to give chase; they blew whistles to alert each other.
> Also, back then cops liberally used their fists. (Although apparently
> back then the allowed use of fists and nightsticks reduced use of the
> gun.)

I remember seeing police call boxes on light poles in many cities.
Also, I used to hear the Los Angeles police dispatch on the "police
band" right above the AM broadcast band. I suspect this was a one way
dispatch to the cars and the officers would go to a call box when they
needed to talk back to the dispatcher.


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