TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Aimless Workers 'Wilfing' Through Cyberspace

Aimless Workers 'Wilfing' Through Cyberspace

Reuters News Wire (
Tue, 10 Apr 2007 10:45:45 -0500

Two out of three British Internet users lose significant portions of
their time to irrelevant web browsing, a study said on Tuesday.

Workers confronted with the almost unlimited pool of online information
become distracted and begin "wilfing," short for "What Was I Looking For?."

Wilfers lose two working days a month to aimless browsing, with men
being the worst offenders, the study said. Shopping sites are the most

In addition to the time and money apparently being lost by UK
businesses, the YouGov poll of more than 2,400 people reports other

A third of men quizzed said wilfing through tempting adult entertainment
sites had damaged relationships with their partners.

Jason Lloyd, from price comparison Web site
which commissioned the research, said:

"Although people log on with a purpose, they are now being offered so
much choice and online distraction that many forget what they are
there for, and spend hours aimlessly wilfing instead.

"It's important people do not allow unnecessary online distractions to
get in the way when surfing the Internet, as it can affect productivity
in the workplace and relationships at home."

Copyright 2007 Reuters Limited.

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