TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Re: "Please Enter Your ID Number" So We May Ignore it

Re: "Please Enter Your ID Number" So We May Ignore it

William Warren (
Fri, 23 Mar 2007 21:36:30 -0400 wrote:

> On Mar 22, 10:41 am, wrote:

> These same $&*%# people encourage you to use the web, but they screw
> you over on that as well. It's not a simple enter your name and
> secret code and you immediately get the data you need. No, they want
> to sell you something first, then make you agree to some microfine-
> print contract, etc. I tried getting on to a credit card company but
> I rejected the terms of their contract which authorized lots of spam
> from them. No matter, I still get the spam and they tell me there's
> nothing we can do about it. No, I can't change credit cards because
> they all credit cards come from very few places these days.



It's not for everybody, but I solve the problem by using my Linux
server, which gives me an inexhaustible supply of throwaway email
addresses. I give companies an address that clearly identifies them,
and the first time I get an email I don't like, the address goes away.

Of course, I have other reasons for maintaining a Linux server,
including keeping track of my son's browsing habits, having a ticketing
system for my business, and as a demonstration site for web projects. As
I say, it's not for everybody.

Other users can make use of the "extra" email accounts their ISP
provides: most major ISPs provide five, six, or even eight email
addresses for a subscriber to use. If you have an extra address or two,
just use one for this purpose, and clear it out every week/month/whatever.

As a last resort, you can create some throwaway addresses on hotmail or
netscape, and just abandon them when you want. There's more than one way
to skin a cat.



(Filter noise from my address for direct replies)

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