TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Re: Troubles With Computers' Daylight Shift

Re: Troubles With Computers' Daylight Shift

Steven J. Sobol (
Fri, 16 Mar 2007 00:11:19 UTC

In article <>, TELECOM Digest Ediot
noted in response to Steven J Sobol:

> [TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: I am running a version of Windows 2000
> which is fully up to date with security patches as issued by
> Microsoft. The trouble, I suspect, is the NetTime 2.0b7 software


The trouble is that people don't realize that protocols like NTP and
apps like NetTime and AtomTime, both of which I've used, both of which
are fine programs, DO NOT CHANGE DST SETTINGS.

In other words, they can adjust for DST, but this year the start and
end dates for DST changed.

On the Linux and FreeBSD servers I maintain, I use NTP. I still had to
manually update the DST dates on some of the older ones. The newer
ones just required me to download new binary packages, or in the case
of our log server that runs SuSe 10.0, the time zone data was already
up to date because 10 is a relatively recent version. (The mandate
went out from Washington in 2005, so there's been plenty of time for
OS vendors to update their stuff.)

> puTTY stopped working because as far as it was concerned, I was
> tampering with the time manually, and puTTY considers that some sort
> of security issue. PAT]


My WinXP laptop and my WinXP computer at the office both updated
automatically through Microsoft's auto-update service, and PuTTY
didn't skip a beat on either computer.

Steve Sobol, Professional Geek ** Java/VB/VC/PHP/Perl ** Linux/*BSD/Windows
Victorville, California PGP:0xE3AE35ED

It's all fun and games until someone starts a bonfire in the living room.

[TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: I think that as long as the computer is
part of the 'decision making process' on updating the time and date,
puTTY has no problem with it. But let a human bean -- myself,
f'rinstance -- get in there and tamper with it, puTTY says 'oh oh! A
hacker trying to fool around' and it clamps up and refuses to connect
to the desired location. Now that I think about it however, it may
have not been just something with puTTY. As a matter of fact, at one
point last Sunday I grew very irritated and impatient, set aside the
clock issue and tried to use Firefox or IE-6 to call some other site,
and on those two applications, I also got a 'cannot find' message when
the my computer network set about trying to resolve the addresses.
Typically for me, that means my router or modem has to be reset. So it
may not have been puTTY that was disturbed, it may have been my
network router or modem complaining instead. Sometimes, these
computers can drive a person crazy. PAT]

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