TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: For Lack of a Single Quote Mark, I Almost Went Crazy

For Lack of a Single Quote Mark, I Almost Went Crazy

TELECOM Digest Editor (
Thu, 1 Mar 2007 14:53:17 EST

(But some readers would say there is no 'almost' about it, and
the condition is permanent and in effect all the time.)

Do you recall reading here the other day where I asked for what I thought
should be a simple problem of creating a multiple-choice user-selectable
media player should be a simple job; yet the one I had installed on a web
site was, frankly, confused. I thought it maybe had to do with code in
the web page about 'on change select' etc. Well, it did ... but
nothing so esoteric as having the wrong class ID or player type or
name for the player. One of the simple OPTION value choices had a typo
in it; if you open the OPTION choice with a 'single quote mark' (as a
way of enforcing what it is you want the choice to be) you have to
remember to close the OPTION choice with another single (functioning
as) 'close quote' mark also. I had failed to properly proof-read my
work! When that OPTION (or choice) was made, the comptuter was
reading it in, but did not know to _stop_ reading after that URL. The
computer reading on and on and on after that URL was causing some
hassles. I saw that lack of a single quote mark, inserted it, and
bingo! The player started correctly playing, promptly switched
selections from one (never-ending stream; i.e. radio station) choice
to another. I feel so dumb sometimes ... If you wish to review my
work on it or comment otherwise, please go to:

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