Taiwan Earthquake Shakes Confidence in Underseas Cables |
![]() Thu, 28 Dec 2006 21:21:14 -0600
By Jon Herskovitz and Rhee So-eui The earthquakes that hit Taiwan on Tuesday rocked communications in Asia and underscored the vulnerabilities of a system where huge amounts of data speed through the region in cables laid deep beneath the sea.
Banks and brokerages from Seoul to Sydney were affected by the outage,
"Right now, there's no other network that can compete with submarine
The cables, which for the most part lie unprotected on the ocean
The report predicted troubles in Taiwan could lead to major
Experts said there should be few problems in the cable systems as long
Analysts said the disruption showed that most of the region's cable
"People will start to say we can't let this happen again," said Frank
"The issue here is parallelism. You've really got to have multiple
Dzubeck added that the Internet bust in 2001 had hit expensive plans
Earthquakes occur frequently around Taiwan and Japan, which lie on a
Undersea fiber-optic cables account for more than 95 percent of
One alternative would be satellites, which are costlier and do not
Just last week, Verizon Communications Inc. and five Asian companies
Submarine cables have been around for about 150 years, with the some
Now the cables hold a mass of tightly packed, flexible glass lines
A country such as South Korea, the world's 11th largest economy, has
India was highly vulnerable from damage to undersea cable links
And neighboring Pakistan's sole undersea fiber-optic cable link with
"Internet service providers should think like bus companies," said
"Instead of using just one route to get to a destination, it's more
(With additional reporting by Sumeet Chatterjee in Bangalore, Niluksi
Copyright 2006 Reuters Limited.
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