Internet Criminals Stepping Up Cyberwar |
![]() Mon, 11 Dec 2006 13:07:18 -0600
By Peter Griffiths
Computer hackers will open a new front in the multi-billion pound
As people grow wise to email scams, criminal gangs will find new ways
"The attacks are becoming more sophisticated," said Dave Rand of
In 2007, hackers will be scouring social networking sites such as
"It is definitely an area that is ripe for more exploitation by
People could find their computers infected with viruses that secretly
Identity theft fraudsters will trawl through sites which allow people
"It is way too easy for the spyware guys to assemble a puzzle of who
Hackers will also target people using instant messaging services or
Powerful new mobile phones and portable computers will also be targets
"Modern mobile phones are in essence miniature portable computers,"
A new version of the popular Web browser Internet Explorer released in
McAfee warns that spying on businesses will become more sophisticated.
"Corporate espionage is big business," its report says. "Data is often
Security firms say Internet crime can be hard to combat because it
Criminals are attracted by the relative ease of making money, the
Copyright 2006 Reuters Limited.
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