Internet Gangs Recruit on Line; Hire Students to Write Viruses |
![]() Fri, 08 Dec 2006 14:26:15 -0600
By Peter Griffiths
Organized gangs have adopted "KGB-style" tactics to hire high-flying
Criminals are targeting universities, computer clubs and online forums
Some gangs have sponsored promising students from other disciplines to
McAfee said the students write computer viruses, commit identity theft
The gangs' tactics echo the way Russian agents sought out experts at
"Although organized criminals may have less of the expertise and
McAfee said its study was based partly on FBI and European
In Eastern Europe, some people are lured into "cybercrime" because of
"Many of these cybercriminals see the Internet as a job opportunity,"
Hackers are paid to write computer viruses that can infect millions of
This "spyware" can detect credit card numbers or other personal
Criminals trawl through social networking Web sites which allow people
Their research helps them to target "phishing" attacks, where people
Hackers are increasingly hired to spy on businesses, McAfee said.
Copyright 2006 Reuters Limited.
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