PricewaterhouseCoopers Presents
The TelecomDirect News Daily Update
For December 07, 2006
The Cloud, Truphone in VoIP Deal
Wi-fi hotspot provider, The Cloud, has signed an agreement with
the software provider, Truphone, to allow customers with a
Truphone-enabled handset to make VoIP calls over The Cloud's
wi-fi hotspots. Truphone is a free software tool for making VoIP
calls that can be loaded onto Nokia's series of wi-fi-equipped
handsets. ...
I just finished reading 'Tele-Visionaries, The People Behind the
Invention of Television', by Richard C. Webb, IEEE Press. This
is a relatively new book, published last year. I highly recommend it
for a number of reasons discussed below. But I would caution that
this is not the whole story and it has a well-defined ...
Fight Heats Up Over Tie-Breaking AT&T/BellSouth Vote
The flap over whether Federal Communications Commission
(FCC)member Robert McDowell can be allowed to vote in favor of
the AT&T/BellSouth merger has begun to ratchet up as the
Republican commissioner indicated his willingness to participate
in the regulator's approval process. Congressional Democrats
openly expressed their ...
Verizon to Boost Storage Service
Verizon Communications Inc. is about to get more serious about
storage for the sake of its broadband customers -- whether
they're flying on FiOS or dawdling along with DSL. The company
first offered its file backup and sharing service in late
September from its Verizon Surround portal. Today, it provides 5
Gbytes of storage ...
Increasing Telco TV Deployments a Boon for Headend Vendors
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. -- A large number of headends have been built
in 2005 and 2006 to support increasing telco TV deployments, and
the wide availability of H.264 compression equipment in 2006 has
prompted telcos that were waiting, to move forward with
deployment plans, reports In-Stat. Growth in telco TV deployments
and subscribers ...
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