US Phone Data Privacy Bill Gets Final Push From Congress |
![]() Mon, 04 Dec 2006 17:07:33 -0600
By Peter Kaplan
WASHINGTON, Dec 4 (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers on Monday mounted a final
Democrats and Republicans sought a deal that would clear the way for
The legislation was approved earlier this year by the House of
If the 109th Congress expires before a final agreement is reach on the
"This is just one of those (bills) that we can see pass," one GOP aide
The legislation is aimed at stopping the practice of impersonating
There currently is no law against the practice which was spotlighted
The latest efforts to pass the legislation came as the Republican-led
The phone records measure is one of several that would be passed under
It was approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously in March
Some Senate lawmakers had been pushing for a broader bill, which also
But aides said they did not anticipate any objections to passing the
"I think people have gotten to the point where it's basically this
The measure also prohibits buying records from a data broker and sets
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