Email Gangs Bombard us in 'Spam Wars' |
![]() Mon, 27 Nov 2006 13:20:03 -0600
By Peter Griffiths
Criminal gangs using hijacked computers are behind a surge in unwanted
The number of "spam" messages has tripled since June and now accounts
As Christmas approaches, the daily trawl through in-boxes clogged with
"Email systems are overloaded or melting down trying to keep up with
His company has detected 7 billion spam e-mails worldwide in November
The United States, China and Poland are the top sources of spam, data
About 200 illegal gangs are behind 80 percent of unwanted emails,
Experts blame the rise in spam on computer programs that hijack millions
These "zombie networks," also called "botnets," can link 100,000 home
They are leased to gangs who use their huge "free" computing power to
While "Trojan horse" programs that invade computers have been around
"Before it was about showing off, now it's about ripping people off,"
Spam costs firms up to $1,000 a year per employee in lost productivity
Home computer users are at risk from emails that ask them to reveal
The latest programs mutate to avoid detection and send fewer emails
The gangs send millions of emails, so they only need a fraction of
"This is a constant game of cat and mouse," said Mark Sunner, Chief
They disguise words to try to outfox filters searching for telltale
When anti-spam experts clamped down on this, the spammers began to
Random extracts from classic books are often included to confuse
Anti-spam laws have had mixed results.
The first U.S. convictions came last year, while Britain has yet to
It is difficult to fight spam because the problem crosses
Some believe laws and filters won't defeat spam.
It will only end when people stop buying diet pills, herbal highs and
"The products they are selling by spam are exactly the same products
Copyright 2006 Reuters Limited.
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