If Google Demotes Your Web Page, Can You Sue? |
![]() Mon, 30 Oct 2006 17:33:25 -0600
SAN JOSE, California (Reuters) - A federal judge on Friday questioned whether Google Inc. defamed a small company by cutting it from its Web search ranking system or whether Google is free to choose which sites it features.
Judge Jeremy Fogel of the U.S. District Court for the Northern
KinderStart, a Norwalk, Connecticut-based Web parenting site that
Fogel said in opening comments that he was concerned attorneys for
"I guess I am still not convinced ... that a provably false statement
The judge asked whether Google has a free speech right to prioritize
KinderStart argues the site's sudden demotion in March 2005 to a
"The fact that they (Google) have used a computer shouldn't affect
"Using a computer to do that is a smoke screen," he said.
Fogel said he would take until at least the end of the year to render
"Judge Fogel's comments make it clear that he has read the papers very
Apart from the basic way it counts the number of inbound links to any
Google maintains that such secrecy is necessary to prevent the
"This is a case that challenges Google's very right to operate,"
Copyright 2006 Ziff Davis Inc.
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