Exploitative Internet Marketing Fuels Child Obesity |
![]() Tue, 05 Sep 2006 13:22:36 -0500
By Michael Perry
Self-regulation in food and beverage marketing is being exploited and
The International Obesity Taskforce said some Internet sites that
The taskforce found that 85 percent of businesses advertising to
It said 12.2 million children had visited commercial Web sites
An analysis of this marketing found that food and beverage advertisers
"Viral marketing downloads and links from 'advergames' to corporate
"While it is relatively easy to control the content of television and
The taskforce has said an epidemic of obesity, now estimated at 1.5
"At the moment the need to protect children from commercial
"We need to recognize that everyone in society has a responsibility to
The week-long conference also heard that many children were "victims
"Many aspects of the physical environment present barriers to children
"Small changes to urban design such as age-appropriate playground
Salmon said parental security and safety concerns that kept children
She said her research found 70 percent of five- to six-year-olds and
"Children who know their neighbors and have strong social networks
Copyright 2006 Reuters Limited.
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