CFP: The IAENG International Conference on Bioinformatics ICB 2007
From: International Association of Engineers
The 2007 IAENG International Conference on Bioinformatics
21-23 March, 2007, Hong Kong
The conference ICB'07 is held under the International MultiConference
of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2007. The IMECS 2007 is organized
by the International Association of Engineers (IAENG), and serves as
good platforms for the engineering community members to meet with each
other and to exchange ideas. The last conference in 2006 has attracted
a total of over four hundred participants from over 30 countries.
All submitted papers will be under peer review and accepted papers
will be published in the conference proceeding (ISBN:
978-988-98671-4-0). The abstracts will be indexed and available at
major academic databases. The accepted papers will also be considered
for publication in the special issues of the journal Engineering
Letters, in IAENG journals and in edited books.
Important Dates:
Draft Manuscript submission deadline: 12 December, 2006
Camera-Ready papers & Pre-registration due: 2 January, 2007
ICB 2007: 21-23 March, 2007
ICB 2007 is now accepting manuscript submissions. Prospective authors
are invited to submit their draft paper in full paper (any appropriate
style) to imecs{at} by 12 December, 2006. The submitted file
can be in MS Word format, PS format, or PDF formats.
The first page of the draft paper should include:
(1) Title of the paper;
(2) Name, affiliation and e-mail address for each author;
(3) A maximum of 5 keywords of the paper.
Also, the name of the conference that the paper is being submitted to
should be stated in the email.
The topics of the ICB'07 include, but not limited to, the following:
Sequence analysis
Sequence alignment
Sequence database
Sequence profiling tools
Sequence motif
Genome annotation
Gene finding
Computational evolutionary biology
Gene expression analysis
Protein expression analysis
Analysis of mutations in cancer and other diseases
Structure prediction
Structural motif
Preserving biodiversity
Modeling biological systems
Software tools
And other applications
ICB Conference Co-Chairs and Committee Members:
Dr. Qingfeng Chen (co-chair)
School of Information Technology
Deakin University, Australia
I-Jen Chiang
Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Medical Informatics,
Taipei Medical University
Adjunct Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Biomedical
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Wallace Choy (co-chair)
Research Ass. Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronic
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Jui-chien Hsieh (co-chair)
Assistant Professor, Department of Bioinformatics
Chung Hua University, Taiwan
Hsueh-Fen Juan
Assistant Professor, Department of Life science
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Xueliang Li
Deputy Director and Professor
Center for Combinatorics, Nankai University, China
Alejandro Murua (co-chair)
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
University of Montreal, Canada
Associate Editor, International Journal of Tomography and Statistics
Dr. Dat Tran
Senior Lecturer in Computing, School of Information Sciences and
University of Canberra, Australia
Lin-Yu Tseng (co-chair)
Professor, Department of Computer Science
National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
Jer-Shyan Wu (co-chair)
Associate Professor, Department of Bioinformatics
Chung Hua University, Taiwan
Cheng-Hong Yang
Professor, Department of Electronics Engineering,
National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan
More details about the IMECS 2007 can be found at:
More details about the International Association of Engineers, the
journal Engineering Letters and the IAENG International Journal of
Computer Science can be found at:
It will be highly appreciated if you can circulate these calls for
papers to your colleagues.