Fasten Your Seatbelts and No Cell Phones Please |
![]() Wed, 23 Aug 2006 18:05:39 -0500
By Michael Smith
Overhead "no smoking" signs will be replaced by "no cell phones" signs
Airlines are seeking ways to police potentially annoying on-board
The company developing the satellite technology for Airbus (EADS.PA)
"It is envisaged that airlines will turn the voice capability off, for
"Each airline is likely to develop different protocols for the use of
Airbus said it was pushing ahead with plans for trials of cell phones,
OnAir is a joint venture with Airbus and information technology
Air France KLM (AIRF.PA) is expected to lead the way when it takes
However, other carriers said they might limit the service to text
British Airways (BAY.L) said it was interested in the technology but
Germany's Lufthansa (LHAG.DE) was also cautious, saying it had not
"The issue is how you would get around the problem of disturbing other
An Air France spokesman said the first phase of its trials would only
TAP Portugal and Britain's bmi (BMID.UL) also plan trial the
In a consultation paper on the subject in April, UK regulator Ofcom
But asked about the social cost of mid-air cell phones, the outspoken
"People are in a confined space. People tend to not want to get into
Advancements in airline communications have been slow to take off,
Boeing Co said last week it would shut its loss-making Connexion unit,
In June, Verizon Communications Inc. said it was cancelling its
(Additional reporting by James Regan in Frankfurt and Benoit Van
Copyright 2006 Reuters Limited.
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