PricewaterhouseCoopers Presents
The TelecomDirect News Daily Update
For August 16, 2006
Vodafone Mulls Converged Fixed-Mobile Services
Vodafone's Portuguese unit is considering offering fixed-mobile
convergence (FMC) services in the country, according to a Diario
de Noticias report citing a company spokesman. "Vodafone Portugal
is analysing its positioning not just in the mobile sector but
also in the total telecommunications market, in the light of ...
Court Backs FCC Ruling on FTTx Access
The Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit has
rejected a legal attempt by Earthlink to overturn Federal
Communication Commission (FCC) rules that allow regional
incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) to deploy FTTx without
being required to share them with competitors. The court said
that it was 'permissible' ...
A Taste of LG Chocolate
The LG Chocolate has nearly everything a popular mobile phone
should offer: a stylish design, an array of multimedia features
and a catchy name. After generating buzz in Europe and Asia over
the past several months, the phone is finally available in the
U.S. via Verizon. The slider-style LG Chocolate (its official
name is the LG ...
Leap Forges 3G Pact
Leap Wireless International is calling on Huawei Technologies to
help power its Cricket-branded 3G services in three states. The
deal marks the first time Leap and Huawei have partnered on a
commercial project. Under the terms of the deal, Huawei will
deliver its CDMA2000 network with 1X EV-DO Rev. A-capable base
station ...
Cable Beats Carriers to Shared Video
The explosive appeal of shared Internet video has not been lost
on service providers. And consumer demand and competitive
pressure from cable companies may push the telcos to host and
deliver it to the living room. The U.S. RBOCs are moving
toward such services, but cautiously, and with some legitimate
reservations. One big ...
TelecomDirect Editor <telecom_direct_editor@us.pwc.com>
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