Court Okays Look at NY Times Phone Records |
David B. Caruso ( Tue, 01 Aug 2006 23:36:04 -0500
By DAVID B. CARUSO Federal prosecutors investigating a leak about a terrorism funding probe can see the phone records of two New York Times reporters, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday.
A panel of the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned on a 2-1
The judges said a grand jury investigation of the disclosures wasn't
"There is simply no substitute for the evidence they have," Judge
The newspaper was considering an appeal, its lawyers said.
The case involved stories written in 2001 by Times reporters Judith
Prosecutors claimed the reporters' phone calls to the charities
U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald asked the Times for information about
The newspaper sued to block any such effort, saying prosecutors might
In February 2005, the newspaper appeared to achieve a victory when
Tuesday's decision to overturn the lower court ruling prompted a
He noted, however, that the majority opinion contained at least two
"Without such protection," Sack wrote, "prosecutors, limited only by
"Reporters might find themselves, as a matter of practical necessity,
Times attorney Floyd Abrams said the closeness of the vote illustrates
"Not until the U.S. Supreme Court takes one of these cases and decides
It is unclear whether prosecutors already have the Times' phone
A spokesman for Fitzgerald declined to comment.
Fitzgerald had Miller jailed last year for refusing to tell a grand
Copyright 2006 Associated Press.
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