Search Going on for Hidden Google Malware |
![]() Sun, 23 Jul 2006 00:07:48 -0500
Robert McMillan, IDG News Service
A well-known security researcher has released code that can be used to
The tool is similar to one developed by Web filtering vendor Websense
Using a database of digital fingerprints of known malware -- called
Though Google is widely used to search the Internet for Web pages and
Moore built his tool to help shed some light on how much malware was
When the security researcher examined a sample of about 4GB of
Of the approximately 2400 samples he examined, 125 contained malware.
Attackers Disappointed?
So any attacker that might be looking to find new sources of malware
"Attackers have much better sources of malware and the items in the
Though some have speculated that Google's ability to search through
Three months ago, Google had indexed about 30,000 executable
"Considering that they're Google, you'd expect better results," Moore
However, without some way of weeding out malicious software, this kind
Google declined to comment for this article except to say that it is
Copyright 2006 PC World Communications, Inc. |
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