NYC Students and Parents Want Cell Phone Ban Lifted |
![]() Thu, 15 Jun 2006 10:37:21 -0500
By Christine Kearney
New York may be a city of incessant cell phone talkers, but students
Speaking at a city council hearing where lawmakers introduced a bill
"I feel mature enough to be able to turn off my cell phone in class,"
Dissent over the ban in New York escalated recently when Bloomberg
Detroit and Philadelphia also bar cell phones from schools while Los
During the hearing, Bloomberg's representatives said the policy dated
"Cell phones, with their multiple capabilities, are not just phones,"
But city council members said crime and disruptive behavior would
"Kids pass notes back and forth but that doesn't mean we take away
Carmen Colon, a mother of three, said her kids needed phones so she
"This is a big city, it's tough and a whole lot of things go on," said
Copyright 2006 Reuters Limited.
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