TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Bad Static, Humming, and Disconnects

Bad Static, Humming, and Disconnects

Mike S. (
4 Jun 2006 00:23:28 -0700

The other day I noticed a lot of static and humming on my phone lines.
Then today I noticed that sometimes I can't get a dial tone, it sort
of goes in and out. I also noticed that the upstairs phones are the
ones that have more problems with getting a dial tone and the
static. So I went out to the phone box (NID) and tested the line with
two different phones. There was static and humming on both but it
wasn't terribly bad.

So it seems that the static is not so bad at the NID, at the
downstairs phones it gets worse and then on the upstairs phones it's
horrible. Since I get static and humming at the NID, that indicates
the problem is in the outside wiring. If the problem is outside, then
shouldn't all the phones have the same amount of static? Why would it
be worse upstairs if the problem is outside? Is it some sort of signal
problem? The further the line goes, the worse the problem gets?

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