PricewaterhouseCoopers Presents
The TelecomDirect News Daily Update
For April 24, 2006
Newport Snares 21CN Exec
Session border controller vendor Newport Networks Ltd. scored
something of an appointment coup this morning by announcing Alan
Nunn, formerly the chief voice architect for BT Group plc's 21CN
project, as its CTO. Nunn was with BT for 19 years, and spent
the past three to four years working alongside CTO Matt Bross on
the voice...
Examining Customer Loyalty in Mobile
Can improved customer loyalty efforts increase revenue for mobile
operators? For the small independents and new MVNOs, the answer
absolutely is "yes." For large mobile operators, though, managing
customer information and call volume is challenge enough, making
personalized care a nice idea but difficult to achieve. Whether
this will...
Meshing Things Up
The emergence of wireless mesh technologies as a potential
low-cost alternative to more traditional, but pricier wireless
networks, and their appeal as a possible component of the
quadruple play of video, voice, data and wireless services, is
driving a host of new players--from cable operators and equipment
manufacturers to municipal...
Transistor Laser Research Moves Forward
Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign say
they are closer to commercializing the room temperature
transistor laser they unveiled last year. The team recently
coaxed the device to reveal its fundamental properties, helping
them to better understand its functionality and potential uses.
When they announced their...
Netherlands: Versatel, Tele2 to Review Merger Details
Dutch alternative telco Versatel has announced a review of the
original merger conditions with pan-European alternative telco
Tele2, after minority shareholders won a court ruling last month
against plans to give them a proportionate stake in the merged
company. Tele2 bought over 80% of Versatel last July and planned
to gain 100% control...
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