Cingular Customers to Determine the Plotline of an Upcoming Episode of
One Tree Hill through Quickreach, Powered by Air2Web
LAS VEGAS, April 5 /PRNewswire/ -- Cingular Wireless, the nation's
largest carrier, today announced it is allowing viewers of the hit
show on The WB, One Tree Hill, to send SMS votes that will determine
the plotline of an upcoming episode.
The One Tree Hill wireless program runs on Cingular's Quickreach(SM),
the carrier's offering for reaching mobile consumers with wireless
marketing and entertainment initiatives. Air2Web, the leading
developer of mobile messaging and marketing applications for carriers
and enterprises, created and manages the Quickreach platform and
develops applications, such as the One Tree Hill voting campaign, for
Cingular clients.
Using their mobile phones and smart devices, One Tree Hill viewers
will be able to send text message responses to network-initiated
questions. Fans will submit their text message response and wait to
see the outcome on the following week's episode. In addition to
voting on an upcoming show scenario, One Tree Hill fans can also
access music downloads and graphics, as well as engage in polls and
trivia via Quickreach.
Cingular introduced Quickreach in 2003 as a way for its customers to
quickly and easily extend their reach to a mobile market. Quickreach,
which is a customized version of Air2Web's Campaign Manager
Application, was originally used for campaigns like NCAA basketball
and the Charlie's Angels Full Throttle movie premier.