Amtrack Passengers Stranded in Woods in Georgia |
![]() Fri, 30 Dec 2005 12:50:26 -0600
A trainload of frustrated passengers has been stuck on an Amtrak train stranded in a patch of woods in south Georgia for more than 24 hours.
Amtrak Train 98 has been stalled near Georgia's border with Florida
Meanwhile, the train's passengers -- including many cash-strapped families
"We're stuck in the woods," said Eleanor Meyer. "People have ran out
Meyer is trying to return to Poughkeepsie, N.Y., after taking her
"I took this train because I'm afraid of flying," she said. "Right now
Young kids are cranky and scared, she said. The elderly are wondering
Peter Nicholson of Newtown, Penn., is returning with his wife from a
But he worries how long the passengers can hold out.
"You wonder how long you have to try to spread out your money and
The train left Orlando on Thursday around 1 p.m. and was delayed in
In all, eight Amtrak trains were affected by the delays, said Amtrak
Black said the CSX freight train's derailment came at a "choke point"
People who can't pay for food will be dealt with on a "case-by-case
"We're hopeful it will get moving very soon," he added, "We hope to
Back in the woods, passengers scoffed at the train's name, the Meteor.
"It's not a meteor," Meyer said. "But we do need a mediator. We really
Copyright 2005 The Associated Press.
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[TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: This must certainly be one of the |
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