Creator of World Wide Web Starts Blog
By ANICK JESDANUN, AP Internet Writer
World Wide Web creator Tim Berners-Lee has started a blog just in time
for the 15th anniversary of his invention.
In his first entry, Berners-Lee remarked on how the Web took off as a
publishing medium rather than one in which visitors not only read but
also contributed information.
"WWW was soon full of lots of interesting stuff, but not a space for
communal design, for discource through communal authorship," he wrote.
That has changed lately with the growing popularity of blogs, which
are online diaries that often let visitors submit comments, and wikis,
which are sites in which visitors can add, change and even delete what
they see.
Their popularity "makes me feel I wasn't crazy to think people needed
a creative space," wrote Berners-Lee, who added that he decided to
start a blog to get a chance to play with blogging tools.
Berners-Lee first proposed the Web in 1989 while developing ways to
control computers remotely at CERN, the Geneva-based European
Organization for Nuclear Research. He never got the project formally
approved, but quietly tinkered with it anyway, making the first
browser available at CERN by Christmas Day 1990.
Copyright 2005 The Associated Press.
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[TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: FYI, anyone interested, this Digest is
thought to be the _oldest, continually published Digest on the
internet. From our beginning in August, 1981, for the first fourteen
years we were only a text-based publication, with a mailing list and
Usenet circulation base. We started on the web in 1995-96, so early
next year is our tenth anniversary on the web, but our twenty-fifth
anniversary as an internet publication. PAT]