I just wanted to let the readers know that there's at least one virus
that's sending infected emails pretending to be bounced mail from
Looking at the headers it's pretty obvious that it's not legitimate:
Received: from lijikdads.org (cpc2-ipsw3-3-1-cust37.colc.cable.ntl.com
The body of the message says:
> Subject: smtp mail failed
> From: Admin@telecom-digest.org
> This_is_an_automatically_generated_Delivery_Status_Notification.
> SMTP_Error_[]
> I'm_afraid_I_wasn't_able_to_deliver_your_message.
> This_is_a_permanent_error;_I've_given_up._Sorry_it_didn't_work_out.
> The_full_mail-text_and_header_is_attached!
And then there's a zip file attached with a nice .exe inside it.
John Meissen jmeissen@aracnet.com
[TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: Thanks for the warning, John, many
readers may not have known about this clown. I knew about it, but
since I get about a dozen per day of the same notices either from
'Administrator' or 'MIT Administrator' or 'Account Review Team' (or
some equally bogus) mail sender, always to advise me that (a)
"he/she/it" has observed that a large amount of spam has been sent
from my account, or (b) that mail which I sent had virus in it, or
(c)mail I received had virus in it, and my account 'is going to be
cancelled unless I fill out the enclosed form to reinstate myself'
(the enclosed form has an .exe in it of course requesting passwords,
etc) I just junk them without comment.
After all, one of our readers here reminds me from time to time that
"we cannot dictate what other sites send out in email" and since he is
prone to be vicious and order me to "never contact him again" when I
have complained about it in the past, I do not say much about it. All
I can suggest -- until/unless/if/when laws are passed/enforced which
flatly forbid (I suggest with punishment of death) sending out that
sort of crapola -- that users _never_ open any attachment received in
email without first inspecting it very closely. Which, exactly, is
worse, the spammers, scammers, phishermen or their apologists on the
net I do not know. PAT]